Should You Retrofit Your Commercial HVAC System?

When it comes to maintaining a comfortable indoor environment for commercial spaces, the efficiency and reliability of an HVAC system cannot be overstated. Retrofitting an existing heating and air conditioning system can be a cost-effective way to enhance performance, reduce energy consumption and extend the system’s life.

Does Closing Air Vents Save You Money?

Are you looking to save on your energy bills and wondering if closing off air vents might be the solution? It’s a common question many homeowners grapple with when trying to maximize their HVAC system’s efficiency. But before you start shutting vents, it’s important to understand how your HVAC system works, the role your air …

How Heat Pump Tune-ups Maximize Comfort and Savings

As fall breezes into our city, it’s time to think about your heat pump’s maintenance. An annual tune-up is essential to keep your system running efficiently and prolong its lifespan. Kemnitz Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. shares how crucial it is to ensure your heat pump is prepared to provide consistent, comfortable warmth throughout the …

Exploring the Causes of HVAC Capacitor Failure

The HVAC capacitor plays a vital role in the proper functioning of your heating and air conditioning system. It stores and releases electricity to start the fan and compressor motors. Unfortunately, capacitors can fail over time for numerous reasons. By identifying the causes behind this issue, homeowners can take preventative measures to ensure their HVAC systems run …

Why Is Your AC Not Turning On?

Nothing ruins a hot summer day faster than an air conditioning unit that won’t start. If it’s not working, read on. Kemnitz Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. explains why this might be happening.

Which Air Conditioner Is Ideal for Commercial Applications?

An efficient HVAC system is necessary for any business. It can help create a pleasant environment for your customers. Also, when employees are comfortable, they are more likely to be productive. With all the heating and air conditioning options available today, choosing the right one can be a challenge. Here are tips to help you select the …

Is My AC Leaking Water or Refrigerant?

A well-functioning air conditioning system is essential for staying cool and comfortable, especially during hot summer days. But what should you do if you notice your AC unit is leaking?

4 Tips on Cutting Commercial HVAC Energy Loss

It’s no secret that commercial HVAC systems can account for as much as half of your building’s annual energy budget, which is why figuring out ways to reduce energy loss is important. In today’s post, local AC repair and installation company Kemnitz Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. shares some tips that can help you keep HVAC energy …

Your HVAC Maintenance Resolutions for 2023

Professional HVAC maintenance is one of the most important investments you can make when it comes to ensuring your family’s comfort and safety. This blog post will explain why investing in regular HVAC maintenance is essential, what services should be included on a maintenance checklist, and how to find reliable Irvine heating and air repair and maintenance …

How Do Auxiliary and Emergency Heat Settings Work?

Winter is just a few months away, but as a homeowner, it pays to be well-prepared when outdoor temperatures drop significantly. If you have a heat pump, it will trigger either auxiliary heat or emergency heat to warm your home. Our trusted Carrier® heater repair team at Kemnitz Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. discusses what each one …