4 Things to Do If Your Heating System Won’t Turn On

One of the worst things that could happen on a cold day is finding out your heating system won’t turn on. Before you go through the process of booking a heating technician for repairs, try a little bit of troubleshooting first. Often, the solution to unresponsive heaters is relatively simple. 1. Check If the Thermostat Has Power …

Why You Should Always Keep Your Air Conditioning Clean

Just like any other piece of machinery, your home’s heating and air conditioning systems need regular and routine maintenance to ensure maximum efficiency, as well as keeping it running at peak performance. There’s nothing more inconvenient than finding your air conditioner has suddenly stopped working right in the middle of the sweltering summer season. To …

How to Heat Up Your Home Efficiently

While buying a new heater could be a solid solution to creating a warmer, toastier home in the winter months, there are some small things here and there that could add up to the right amount of temperature change you want in your house. Here are five effective ways you could raise your home’s temperature …

The Meaning Behind SEER and EER

To be a smart homeowner, you need to look at the energy ratings of the systems you intend to use at home. As a good chunk of yearly expenses goes to heating and air conditioning needs, you’ll want to get the HVAC system with the best energy efficiency ratings possible. This is why the EER …

Top Tips For Maintaining Your Gas Furnace

Gas furnaces are very easy to operate but they do require regular care and maintenance. Proper maintenance can reduce furnace repairs, maintenance costs, energy expenditure and spotty heating in your home. To catch any problems with the system, you should consider starting a furnace well ahead of winter for a test run. Any incipient problems …

Kemnitz Heating And Air

Kemnitz Heating and Air, located in Irvine, California, is the heating and air conditioning repair expert that you have been looking for. Since 1986, we have been proudly serving homes and businesses in South Orange County and the surrounding areas. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are our specialty. Our passion, creating solutions for …